Home Committees Roads & Traffic

Roads & Traffic

Chair: Damian Trostinetzky

This committee tracks and advocates such issues as the installation of sidewalks, cut through traffic, lane design, and stop sign placement. All with the goal of maintaining a neighborhood that’s safe and enjoyable for children, walkers/runners, and bike riders. For information, send an email to traffic@luxmanor.org.

Learn about changes to I-495/I-270 in the Maryland Traffic Relief Plan that could impact your commute and your home.  Significant highway changes and construction will impact traffic congestion and add HOT toll lanes with dynamic pricing resulting in widening of the highways.  There are consequences for storm water management, Old Farm Creek, Tilden Woods Park, noise, traffic and properties close to I-270/I-495.  On June 8, the State P3 office presented a briefing to  the LCA Board.  Community impacts are discussed at the end of the presentation and in answers to questions.

Tuckerman Lane Pedestrian & Bike Facilities
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation/Division of Transportation Engineering is conducting a facility planning study of pedestrian and bicycle facilities for an approximately 2.7 miles section of Tuckerman Lane between Gainsborough Road and Old Georgetown Road. See here for more information.

The project manager, Mr. Greg Hwang, is accepting all comments throughout the life of the project, but for this phase, they will begin to collate comments after May 14, so please consider letting him know your thoughts on long-term improvements (sidewalks and bike lanes for the 2.7 miles of the project) and short-term improvements (sidewalks by the Westlake-Tuckerman intersection, for example). His email is greg.hwang@montgomerycountymd.gov.