Home Committees Planning & Zoning

Planning & Zoning

Chair: Rebecca Rudich

The Planning & Zoning Committee keeps track of nearby development projects and zoning issues, dedicated to sharing information with the membership AND providing our voice to key decision-makers. This work includes coordination with other associations, volunteer citizens group and local officials. There are lots of meetings to attend and reports to read!

We need your help. To volunteer your services, please send an email to 3magmom@gmail.com.

County, State Moving Rapidly to Expand Josiah Henson Park
Building upon years of work, Montgomery County is now accelerating its plans to expand significantly the Josiah Henson Park, which sits at the edge of our neighborhood. Using a combination of state, county, and private funding, the Montgomery County Department of Parks has already purchased several properties adjoining the original site, and may be looking to purchase more. These plans stand to have a noticeable impact on the Luxmanor neighborhood.

What is the Josiah Henson Park?

Who’s paying for this?

Do you have thoughts on these plans?