Submit Your LuxLine Classified Online
- General Info
All classified ads will appear in the LuxLine emagazine. The online ads are posted in the middle of each month.
- Deadlines
The advertising window is now open – October 15, 2017 – and will close on December 15, 2017. Ads placed in this window will run from mid-December through mid-May.
- Payment
Payment is due at the time of purchase. We accept all major credit cards through our PayPal account. All proceeds go directly to the LCA.
- Prices
LuxLine Banner Ads are 1″x2″ color ads appearing prominently on the LuxLine newsletter, published electronically every month. Members and non-members are welcome to take out as many ads as desired. Each ad costs $150.00/month for those outside our membership and $100/month for members. There is a six (6) month minimum purchase for all, totaling $900.00 for nonmembers and $600 for members. Ad dimensions should be 165 pixels wide by 255 pixels tall at 72 DPI, and all artwork needs to be saved in a JPEG format and uploaded to the website. LuxLine Mini-Ads are small black&white ads that will appear at the bottom of the color ads. Mini-Ads are for Luxmanor Citizen Association residents only. Mini-Ads can be purchased at $5.00 for 10 words/ad or $10.00/ad for 20 words, all running for 6 months.
Please contact if you have any questions.
Secure Online Ad Submission Form:
[ninja_forms id=6]
We respect your privacy!
We do not use your information for promotions and we do not sell or give your information to any other business!